
Recent Blog

  • Door to Door Delivery Available

    Door to Door Delivery Available

    Do you find yourself working from home? If you are not a current route customer and enjoying our door to door delivery program we will be happy to provide service to you, as well. FabriCare of Greenville is committed to serving our clients while at the same time continually monitoring ...

  • Law Enforcement Dry Cleaning Discount

    Law Enforcement Dry Cleaning Discount

    We would like to stop and say thank you to our law enforcement for their service to our community. Our law enforcement put their lives on the line each and every day to protect us which is why we want to show our appreciation. We are proud to offer a ...

  • Tips to Remove and Clean Law Enforcement Uniform Stains

    Tips to Remove and Clean Law Enforcement Uniform Stains

    Keeping law enforcement uniforms clean is part of looking professional. Here are a few tips to remove law enforcement uniform stains. Grass Stains The process for removing grass stains is easiest when cleaning your law enforcement uniform as soon as possible. Soak your uniform in warm water. Mix 1 tablespoon ...